Monday, December 9, 2013

A day in the life of Aiden

Your days are filled with play. It still amazes me that something so simple as nesting eggs amuses you for the longest time.

Then there is bathtime.  One of my favorite times.  You love to splash and make a big mess.

The night always ends with a warm bottle and mommy or daddy reading to you.  You have soooo many books but you always pick "Pajama Time".  Its your favorite I guess.  We sometimes have to hide it for a few days just so you pick other books!  Her is daddy reading to you.

Before you go to sleep there is always hugs and kisses.  Sweet dreams little man!

Meeting Santa again!

I can't believe it is already your second Christmas!  This is your second time meeting Santa.  You surprisingly did very well!  I was expecting you to freak out this year but you did very good.  Santa brought you a gift of construction site trucks.  I was so proud of you!  Cute as a button as always.
Santa and you playing with your new trucks.
Mommy and daddy even visit Santa and the Mrs!
Merry Christmas Aiden!  We love you so much!